Keynote - It's All About the Experience: what I've learnt from talking to thousands of people about Drupal
Use cases for Drupal are changing and so are criteria for selecting a web development platform. This is a challenge for the community as well as individuals and companies that use Drupal. We can learn a lot by looking at the Drupal experience from different perspectives and thinking about the personas of people who interact with Drupal.
Suzanne Dergacheva: Building a Great User Experience for Content Editors
Building a Great User Experience for Content Editors
For new content editors, Drupal can seem like a daunting maze of forms full of confusing terminology. If you take some time to customize the admin UI, it can make a big difference for content editors.
In this session, we'll cover techniques to improve the user experience for content editors. This will include how to architect your site with content editors in mind, as well as smaller configuration decisions that effect content editor UX.
Topics will include:
Thinking like a content editor: user stories for admins
Overall page-building paradigms and how they effect content editors
Text formats and WYSIWYG configuration
Field configuration and media management
Landing page editing UI
Custom Views and Dashboards
Encouraging accessible content
Contributed modules to improve the content editing experience
This session is designed for site builders and developers who want to improve their UX knowledge and designers who want to get ideas for what's possible in terms of content editor UX in Drupal.
Grégoire Weber: Intégration et déploiement continu avec Drupal
On entend de plus en plus parler de CI/CD, accronymes de "Continuous Intégration" et "Continuous Deployment". Il s'agit d'un processus de développement largement adopté par les entreprises de toutes tailles dans les derniers mois, car il apporte de nombreux avantages. En effet, la mise en place d'un système d'intégration et de déploiement continu permet de réduire le time-to-market de son application, tout en améliorant la qualité et l'éfficacité du travail d'équipe de développement. Ce type de processus permet aussi de réduire les coûts sur l'infrastructure et d'industrialiser la création d'applications.
Durant cette présentation, nous introduirons ce qu'est un processus d'intégration et de déploiement continu et nous montrerons comment l'utilisation de ce processus peut simplifier votre travail.
Nous verrons ensuite comment Drupal s'intègre dans ce processus en introduisant plusieurs outils tels que Docker et Travis.
La présentation sera illustrée d'une démonstration d'un site drupal avec une infrastructure utilisant travis et un hébergement cloud.
Migrate one, Migrate all: Let's migrate to Drupal 8
As Drupal 8 hits mainstream, migrations from existing Drupal 6 and 7 sites are becoming more important. With D8, migrating content is way more easier than in D7. This session will bring you up to speed with discussions on:
* Migration basics: Get the wheel rolling with migrate 8.x.
* Migrating relationships: Migrating taxonomy terms and relating them to nodes.
* Migration I18N: Migrating translatable content to D8.
Annika Oeser: 10 tips to make your website look like designed by a designer
10 tips to make your website look like designed by a designer
You are a web developer and interested in the "magic" of making websites look professional? You'll learn some tricks from a designer so you can make your own web projects look better and feel more user-friendly. It will also help working together with designers and understanding their rationale.
Matt Corks: Case study: How and why Drupal powers 850 websites at McGill
Case study: How and why Drupal powers 850 websites at McGill
Drupal is used extensively at McGill University; a team of 10 manages a platform used by 1,700 active site managers to power 10 million page views per month on the website ranked # 115 in all of Canada by Alexa. This is achieved via a shared Drupal multisite architecture, automated deployment and provisioning scripts, dedicated and responsive support staff, extensive internal training and documentation efforts, and an Agile workflow. This session will cover the project's goals, scope, history, architecture, staffing, user base, planning, training, documentation, and challenges, and will be co-presented by Matt Corks, a back-end developer, and Joyce Peralta, a web analyst.
Fabrice Labbé: Introduction aux CMS générateurs de pages statiques, nouvelle tendance du web
Introduction aux CMS générateurs de pages statiques, nouvelle tendance du web
Le web évolue rapidement. Les premiers sites web étaient réalisés en pages statiques (HTML sans CSS à l’époque). Rapidement, les sites web sont devenus dynamiques en utilisant des requêtes sur un serveur distant. Et, les CMS dont Drupal sont apparus. Depuis quelques années, on voit l’émergence de CMS générateurs de pages statiques dont le principal avantage est de combiner une interface d’administration de contenus avec des pages statiques.
Ces CMS de pages statiques permettent d’obtenir des sites plus performants et plus sécurisés. Le développement du site est aussi simplifié, la dynamisation d’un template pouvant être réalisée très rapidement.
La présentation, sera réalisée par Fabrice Labbé qui a participé (avec son frère jumeau) à ADFAB à la création de Abe (a better engine) CMS, open source, générateurs de pages statiques (développés en Handlebars, NodeJs et utilisant des JSon).
Après une présentation de l’architecture et du fonctionnement de Abe. Une illustration du fonctionnement de Abe sera réalisée en dynamisant un template lors de la formation.
Cette formation vous permettra de vous introduire une autre approche et un nouveau CMS qui a déjà convaincu de nombreux grands groupes (Accor Hotels, BlaBlacar, Gemo…).
François Barbanson: Data migration and synchronization in large scale enterprise environments
Data migration and synchronization in large scale enterprise environments
Drawing on my experience building big data platforms for Microsoft and for financial clients such as Credit Suisse and HSBC, the goal of this presentation is to help developers and architects faced with the prospect of building a data integration, answer 3 questions:
What does it mean to link up your website to an external data source?
How to appraise the difficulty of surfacing business data in a website?
What are the different stages in building a robust implementation?
As a publisher of data you will often bring to light small discrepancies, or corruption in the core data and you will have to make sense of domain specific business rules that need to be understood and addressed in order to present and display the data in a way that makes sense to your audience.
The presentation will go into the concepts involved in integrating a data publishing platform with an external data source:
We will cover the topic of ETL, and what are the usual practices in completing a full data integration.
We will also cover issues of data quality and pitfalls to avoid when the data is dynamically loaded.
We will also delve into the concept of integrity constraints to enforce schema dependencies and business rules.
Colan Schwartz & Christopher Gervais: Hosting Drupal sites? You need Aegir!
It's easy to let digital assets pileup. Unlike hoarding that happens in our homes, digital assets don't occupy any physical space, so we don't often realize the magnitude of the problem until it's too late. Fundamentally, neglected digital assets get in the way of success--they bog down site admins and users alike.
In this talk, we'll make a case for being a digital-minimalist, talk about how to complete a useful content audit, and how to peel back your metaphorical-digital-fingers clutching 5+ year old assets so you can just let go.
Alain Lauzon: How to make your Drupal WEB site work 1000x faster with React-PHP and PHP-PM
How to make your Drupal WEB site work 1000x faster with React-PHP and PHP-PM
Imagine having your WEB site run 1000x faster.
This is what some folks like me are working hard on. The trick is to run a daemon server that has already run the Drupal boostrap and call this server instead directly instead of Apache2 or nginx calling Drupal with PHP. The server is a Drupal runing with PHP-PM + React-PHP + some patching in Drupal + a PHP-PM DrupalKernel Adapter.
I'll explain how all the parts works together and demonstrate the speed gain with adb performance tests.
A lot of things have changed in Drupal 8 and one area which has seen the most changes has been configuration management due to the adoption of yaml. In this session we go through how configurations are managed by Drupal. How can we best maintain them for our projects and how we can resolve conflicts and other issues that come up as we build and maintain our sites/applications.
Nice to know prior to:
- familiarity with Drupal 7/8
- familiarity with YAML
- familiarity with drush
New to Drupal 8 development? Want to understand how Drupal 8 works? Or just curious about what's under the hood?
Join us as we explore the Drupal 8 core codebase. We'll pull things apart, discovering how the low level code and components work and it's all connected together.
Matthieu Gadrat: Écrire de la documentation persistante pour un projet Drupal
Écrire de la documentation persistante pour un projet Drupal
Une approche pratique pour la planification et la rédaction de documentation dans le cadre d'un projet Drupal.
Vous vous demandez comment rédiger de la documentation utile, qui sera lue? Cette présentation est pour vous!
Nous aborderons la rédaction de documentation technique, fonctionnelle et non-fonctionnelle.
Nous verrons comment faire survivre la documentation après sa rédaction.
Jean-François Cartier: Étude de cas sur la gestion de congrès
On pourrait dire que la gestion d’événements c’est soit simple, soit complexe. Certains se satisferont d’une distribution trouvée sur ou simplement d’outils externes comme Eventbrite. D’autres auront des besoins beaucoup plus spécifiques et nous croyons que la gestion de congrès entre souvent dans cette catégorie.
Sous forme d’étude de cas, cette communication aura comme objectif de dévoiler les stratégies et concepts employés dans la création du gestionnaire de congrès que Kiwad a développés au cours de la dernière année. De l’architecture à l’affichage, il sera question des compromis, des apprentissages et des choix faits lors de l’élaboration d’un tel outil.
La présentation s’adresse aux initiés de la plateforme Drupal 8, mais aussi aux amateurs de gestion d’événements.
Brad Muncs: How to maintain, evolve and maximize the return on your Drupal website investment
How to maintain, evolve and maximize the return on your Drupal website investment
Building Drupal websites is all nice and fun, but once the site or application is launched, too many companies just let their digital assets run on cruise control until the next major overhaul.
Symetris spends almost a third of its resources on maintaining and enhancing existing websites. During this talk, we'll share what we consider are best practices to make sure you get the most return on your initial investment in a Drupal platform.
Accessibility is an important feature of modern web development, like making sure that your website is responsive and fast. Making your site more accessible is also going to improve the SEO value and usability of your site. If your website doesn't meet WCAG A standard, it's time to make some changes! The question is, where do I start? This talk will focus on best practices and practical Drupal 8 theming and site building techniques to make your site more accessible.
We'll talk about:
* Prioritizing your accessibility checklist
* Low hanging fruit to make your site more accessible
* Modules and assessment tools
If you have a Drupal site or if you work on one - this presentation is useful for you.
Tolu Laleye: Getting started with Backbone.js in Drupal 8
Backbone.js is a lightweight javascript library that comes out of the box with Drupal 8. It gives structure to your web application project by providing models, collections and views. We will be taking a look at these concepts to see how you might be able to use them to simplify your javascript.
In this session, Tolu Laleye, Founder & Acquia Certified Drupal 8 Grand master at IDEAMAṢN Inc will be building a simple Multi-step wizard and you are encouraged to build along with him. Code samples & Free Swag will be provided at the end.
Static site generators have evolved in the last few years. Names like Jekyll, Gatsby, Hexo, Hugo … has become more and more popular. They have been chosen by more developers when it comes to simple web/blog solution. They need very minimal server set up and low maintenance cost. Yet static sites are not very welcomed by the content editors, who are not very willing to publish content by writing in Markdown.
Among them, Gatsby arises as a bridge solution of static and dynamic web. It can combine the simplicity-robustness of a static site and the versatile back-end of powerful CMSs
In this session, we discuss how to serve Drupal content in Gatsby.
TL;DR — We demonstrate decoupling Drupal using Gatsby.
Claire Desbois: Que peut faire la Drupal Montréal Association pour sa communauté
Que peut faire la Drupal Montréal Association pour sa communauté
Plus une discussion de groupe qu'une session, cette séance a toute les personnes curieuses ou souhaitant s'investir dans l'association. Elle commencera par un tour d'horizon de l'Association, son état actuel, ses besoins et les idées de projets qui ont été proposé avant d'entamer une discussion avec les personnes présentent.
Même si vous n'êtes pas impliquez ou membre, vous êtes libre de venir.
Abbygail Acham: Positivity and Authenticity: The real deal on relatable customer service
Positivity and Authenticity: The real deal on relatable customer service
Customers, regardless of their purchase, crave a unique experience. The experience desired, varies amongst consumers and from products to services, but the commonality lies within the ability for the customer experience to be catered to their individual whims and fancies, with a little extra effort from the customer service professional.
In this session, Abbygail Acham, Account Manager at IDEAMAṢN will be highlighting how to build rapport with your customer on both an individual and organizational basis, through a positivity based system, rooted in an authentic desire to provide exceptional customer service, while meeting as many consumer needs, as possible.
Networking/Party:starting from 5:30pm at Hurleys Irish Pub (learn more)
Saturday, June 16th
Start time
End time
MB-1.210 (Evolving Web)
MB-3.255 (Savoir-Faire Linux)
MB-3.430 (Tink)
MB-3.435 (DevShop.Support)
MB-3.445 (Drupal Montreal)
Registration and breakfast
Keynote by Geneviève Lajeunesse, operations director at Crypto.Québec
This conference will discuss the integration of security into digital projects. The security of several systems that everyone uses every day was not thought trough upstream, or was simply not thought out very well. The impacts of these security issues will be explored.
Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg: What I learned in 10 years of running a Drupal shop
What I learned in 10 years of running a Drupal shop
In this session, Alex will discuss his learnings from starting and running an agency over the past ten years. And as a special DrupalCamp Montreal bonus, you’ll receive two Alexs for the price of one, as Alex Dergachev will also join to discuss his 10 year journey with Evolving Web.
Some of the topics covered by Alex(x2) will include a greatest hits of our mistakes running our shops, as well as some of the good decisions we were lucky enough to make. We’ve made mistakes so you (hopefully) don’t have to!
We will look at financials, employees & hr, partners (in the biz and with other businesses), & sales & marketing. We will discuss the challenges of leading and growing a small shop, as well as the changes we’ve seen within the Drupal world and the open source universe.
Andrew Lindsay: Taming Behemoths: Agile Backlog Grooming Strategies to Increase Business Value and Peace of Mind
Taming Behemoths: Agile Backlog Grooming Strategies to Increase Business Value and Peace of Mind
Exploring agile backlog grooming strategies developed working with both largish and smallish development teams working in cooperation with ambitious, imaginative and downright insatiable stakeholders.
Renaud Joubert: Drupalgeddon Inc: anatomy of an exploit
In the wake of Drupageddon 2A and 2B earlier this year, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight the importance of keeping your clients' and/or company's website up to date in the hours following the publication of highly critical security advisories on d.o such as SA-CORE-2018-004 and SA-CORE-2018-002. In this presentation, we'll show how easy it can be to hack a vulnerable Drupal website, how to determine that a site was hacked as well as what you can do to clean up the ensuing mess.
Michael Schmid: Lagoon: OpenSource Docker Build & Deployment System with Full Drupal Support
Lagoon: OpenSource Docker Build & Deployment System with Full Drupal Support
Everybody in Drupal moves to Docker, as of this writing there are multiple local development environments all based on Docker: Kalabox, DDev, Cachalot, Dinghy, DrupalVM, Docksal, and probably many more.
While this is awesome for local development environment, none of them provide a solution for the ultimate goal: Using the same Docker Images locally, on development sites and on production.
Lagoon solves that. Lagoon allows developers to locally develop with Docker and have the exact same Docker Images and Containers running in Production within Kubernetes. Lagoon knows how to run a Drupal site with Varnish, Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, Solr, Elasticsearch, Drush, Composter and Console on Kubernetes and will do everything for you.
All a developer has to do: Push a Git Repository to Lagoon and Lagoon will deploy it for you.
And the best part: Lagoon is completely Open Source.
In this talk I will present:
How Lagoon technically works
How to use Lagoon
How you can use Lagoon on your own infrastructure
Where Lagoon will go to and what features we're planning to implement.
Suzanne Dergacheva: Content Moderation Workflows for Drupal
Drupal 8 now has content moderation in core! This means that instead of content just being 'published' or 'unpublished', we have the ability to create moderation workflows with different content states (like draft and archive). And we can customize the workflow for different content types and users.
In this session, we'll cover the functionality of the Content Moderation module, as well as discuss additional challenges and modules, including:
* Creating content moderation dashboards
* Workflows for files and media
* Translation workflows
* Workspaces and Multiversion modules
* Giving editors access to different sections of your site
Jon Pugh: Easy Automated Testing with Pull Request Environments on your own Servers with DevShop
Easy Automated Testing with Pull Request Environments on your own Servers with DevShop
DevShop is an open-source Drupal hosting platform that can be used for production, development and testing environments.
Powered by a Drupal web interface, simply enter your websites source code, name your environments, pick your branches, and start running Behat tests on every git push.
DevShop allows you to setup automated Behat testing without writing any scripts, creating any YAML files, or learning about Jenkins or Docker.
Easily launch new environments for every pull request or every branch of your git repository.
Come to this session to get a hands-on walkthough of setting up a Drupal site from scratch for automated Behat testing.
See for more information.
Emmanuel Décarie: Drupal 7 et Ember.js: l'exemple d', une SPA ("Single Page App") multiplateforme (pc, tablette et téléphone)
Drupal 7 et Ember.js: l'exemple d', une SPA ("Single Page App") multiplateforme (pc, tablette et téléphone) est un site multiplateforme faisant la promotion et diffusant de la littérature québécoise. Opuscules est la seconde itération d'une application qui auparavant était une application native IOS et Android alimentée en dorsale ("backend") par Services sur Drupal 7. Le mandat rempli par Réseau Koumbit et le laboratoire NT2 de l'UQAM a été de convertir cette application dans une SPA adaptée aux pc, tablette et téléphone. Tandis que NT2 s'occupait d'affiner les services existants alimentant, Réseau Koumbit s'est chargé du volet Ember.js, programmation et intégration. La présentation sera divisée en 3 parties: Drupal 7 et Services (Robin Varenas, Sylvain Aubé, NT2), Ember.js et programmation (Emmanuel Décarie, Réseau Koumbit), Ember.js et intégration (Jaime MacLean, Réseau Koumbit).
Alex Dergachev: Migrating 10,000 Classic Books to Drupal 8: A Princeton University Press Case Study
Migrating 10,000 Classic Books to Drupal 8: A Princeton University Press Case Study
We will present a case study of our work of migrating to Drupal 8. We have created a migration script to move over 10,000 published works and 40,000 related entities published over many decades into Drupal, and a content audit of tens of thousands of static HTML pages that has accumulated over the years. We will describe the technical and business motivations for the project, provide a technical overview of the Drupal migration, and of the the process challenges in dealing with this volume of content. Finally, we will describe the technical and performance challenges we overcame when setting up a nightly sync job under the constraints of the Pantheon hosting platform.
Adrian Cid Almaguer: How to contribute projects to (Part 1)
How to contribute projects to (Part 1)
Contribute projects to is as simple as providing a package with your code, you're contributing but maybe not in the best way, there are many important things involved in the success of your project as the documentation, the maintaining of the issue queue, the way in which you inform your users about the changes between version, the impact of the Drupal core changes in your project and others like the coding standards and the automatic test that are very important to consider. If you want to start contributing projects to and you don't know how to start, this session is for you.
Matthieu Scarset: Workflow ultra rapide pour Drupal 7 et 8 avec Composer, NPM et Lando
Workflow ultra rapide pour Drupal 7 et 8 avec Composer, NPM et Lando
Dans cette session, je présenterai un modèle de workflow pour augmenter votre productivité sur les projets Drupal 7 et Drupal 8.
Nous verrons entre autres choses:
1) Comment démarrer de nouveaux projets très rapidement avec Composer et Lando + collaborer et travailler en simultanée
2) Comment créer des scripts d'automatisation pour améliorer les builds et la qualité du code (respect des standards et bonnes pratiques)
3) Comment intégrer ce modèle de projet à votre processus d'intégration continue (ex: Acquia Cloud, Pantheon,
Le but de cette présentation est d'expliquer comment normaliser vos projets Drupal avec une collection d'outils open source.
Le résultat bénéficiera à tous types de développeurs et à toutes tailles d'équipes.
Christian Hudon: Drupalgeddon : Que s'est-il passé et quelles leçons retenir?
Drupalgeddon : Que s'est-il passé et quelles leçons retenir?
Vous avez un site Drupal et vous ne connaissez pas Drupalgeddon. Désolé! Il est peut-être trop tard!
Ce fut une attaque massive et fulgurante qui aura contaminé des milliers de sites Web au cours des dernières semaines. Et le niveau d'organisation pour mener cette attaque est inquiétant.
Chez Kiwad, nous avions 35 environnements Drupal à mettre à jour et nous avons été également appelés en renfort par d'autres firmes moins spécialisées avec Drupal. Après quelques heures seulement, nous avons vu apparaître les premiers malfrats.
La première portion de cette présentation exposera la nature de la faille et nous présenterons également une panoplie d'éléments à regarder sur vos environnements pour investiguer une potentielle contamination.
Dans la deuxième portion de la présentation, nous présenterons différentes techniques pour faciliter vos mises à jour ainsi que des méthodes à mettre en place pour améliorer la sécurité de vos sites et réduire les risques.
Albert Albala: Docker-based one-click local development
Unpack a computer. Install Docker. Download code. Run one script and get a login link. That's it, no database cloning, no configuration, no fiddling with settings.php. No Drupal knowledge required, no MAMP, no Vagrant, no `drush make`, no Ansible.
After identifying the single biggest bottleneck to my development process with half a dozen teams over several years, that was the goal I set for an improved development workflow.
In addition the the main advantage of super-fast on-ramping of new developers, this approach has had a number of surprisingly time-saving advantages:
* **A cleaner codebase**
* **No database cloning required**
* **Automatic security updates**
* **Our workflow can apply to non-Drupal aspects of our project**
* **Easy continuous integration**
* **Improving your workflow is easy**
* **Config management is amazing**
During this talk, we will discuss these advantages of a Docker-based local workflows, with tons of resources and ideas. Bring your computer with Docker installed, and you just might leave with a working Docker-based one-click local development environment.
Drupal 8 propose beaucoup d'outils pour créer une API. Entre les modules proposés par le core, les différentes manières de créer une API et de la sécuriser, il n'est pas toujours facile de s'y retrouver.
Cette session s'adresse aux personnes souhaitant créer une API mais ne sachant pas par où commencer.
Adrian Cid Almaguer: How to contribute projects to (Part 2)
How to contribute projects to (Part 2)
This is a follow of the session named: How to contribute projects to (Part 1). Contribute projects to is as simple as providing a package with your code, you're contributing but maybe not in the best way, there are many important things involved in the success of your project as the documentation, the maintaining of the issue queue, the way in which you inform your users about the changes between version, the impact of the Drupal core changes in your project and others like the coding standards and the automatic test that are very important to consider. If you are contributing projects to and you want to improve your work with the best practices this session is for you.
Websites are the most important digital marketing investment companies make and Digital Agencies are doing the lion's share of this work. A number of best practices have emerged over time, that seek to facilitate the creation and maintenance of sites.
Pantheon gives away powerful features that can help you take advantage of some of these best practices.
In this session, we will take a close look at what we learned through 5 years as a website management platform for developers. We will also do a deep dive into the product to see all of the free features and discuss how they can help your business grow.
Mathieu Hélie: Demystifying Drupal 8 Data Definitions for Developers
Demystifying Drupal 8 Data Definitions for Developers
Data has changed a lot in Drupal 8, and a slew of new APIs and interfaces are now used to build and manipulate entities, most notably TypedData. But just how do they work?
In this presentation we will seek to understand how to work with data objects in Drupal 8, what the different APIs, plugins, and services do for us, and wrap it up by writing a custom module that generates a complex page layout from a Node entity.
For more than 10 years, Aegir has been hosting Drupal using Drupal.
For 4.x, we have rewritten it from scratch: converting from Drush commands to a powerful standalone Symfony-console based CLI, leveraging Robo, DrupalConsole, and taking inspiration from projects such as Drush 9, Composer, Terminus, Acquia BLT, and the PlatformSH CLI.
Come see how Provision 4.x can be used for everything from production hosting to local development environments.
- Quickly launch Drupal and other websites from source code.
- Service Agnostic and pluggable. Support any web server (Apache, Nginx, Docker, Kubernetes, php -s), any database server (MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite). Allow contributed services.
- Run Anywhere. PHP-CLI works on Mac, Linux, Local, Metal, or Cloud. (Windows support should be possible, especially since you can now run ubuntu bash).
- Makes a great development environment and tool for automated testing and CI.
- Targeted to less technical users.
See and for more info.
Amir Taherizadeh: Trademarking & Patenting the Commons: Exploring the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Trademarking & Patenting the Commons: Exploring the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
We live in an exciting time where the pace, scope, and nature of technological advances extend the limits of our imagination and have reshaped our assumptions about future expectations. From machine learning, big data analytics and AI to website design, and online shopping "software is eating the world" (Marc Andreessen), and fast! In this software dominated world, Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) has secured itself high and new grounds to the extent that without such commons the high-tech sectors will be left high and dry! Once considered a smart kid’s toy, now FLOSS is ‘the’ go-to technology platform when faced with uncertainties and challenges of yet-to-be-born technologies, be it in robotics and AI or app development for iOS platform. In such complex context for collaboration where huge investments are borne, great risks are tolerated, and unforeseen usecases are discovered, should FLOSS project leaders think of trademarking their brand names for the good of the public? Even to a more extreme, is it ugly and a vice should a small or medium-sized service provider/inventor seriously consider patenting their FLOSS novel technologies under software -related inventions' strategies? This session aims to ignite discussions of such nature and survey the fragmented perspectives of the audience in the hope to contribute to the ongoing debates on this topic.
Guilhem Hachet: Optimisation du chemin de rendu critique dans Drupal
Optimisation du chemin de rendu critique dans Drupal
Etudes de différentes stratégie d'optimisation d'un site sous Drupal avec le theme bootstrap.
- Optimisation du poids du CSS et JS ( modules drupal a utiliser, SASS, Identifier les CSS critique, UNCSS ) avec résultats d'optimisation final de bootstrap.css : -92%
- Strategie Webfont
- CSS critique inlining
- Strategie d'optimisation des images
- Module pagespeed pour NGINX et Apache.